Amy Ell - Choreographer / Aerial performer
Andrea Lauer - Costume Designer / Multimedia artist / Bad ass
Andrew Edwards - Game Designer and UI Designer
Andy Korzik - Programmer
Brent Elmer - Game Designer
Brooke Rutherford - Fashion Researcher
Cary Tijerina - Photographer / Childhood friend
Cooper Yoo - Programmer, Filmmaker, all around awesome
Fabio Toblini - Costume Designer / brilliance personified
Greg Bliss - Game Designer and artist extraordinare
Jason Lin - Programmer
Kari Love - Costumer / Crafter
Laura Pieroni - Producer / Multimedia Design
Lauren Lanster - Programmer / Artist / Cool chick
Liz Hara - Puppeter / Candy addict
Lu-Yu Huang - Interactive Designer / DJ
Mark Schatz - Sculptor / Carver of large blocks of styrofoam
Michael Hill - Hacker / Programmer / Artist / madman
Michelle Cohen - Experience Designer
Paul Wei - Game Designer
Simon Papineau - Interactive Strategist / Travel Junkie
Steve Geist - Illustration
Tatyana Koutepova - Visual Designer
Thomas Luong - 3D Modeler / Animator
Robert Lepage
Michael Curry
Elizabeth Streb